Thursday, September 27, 2007


Poof is what happens when men just disappear. Poof! A small puff of smoke, a little tiny breeze, and they are just gone!

The first guy who contacted me after I rejoined match has poofed. I am a little confused about that one. He emailed quickly the first few go-arounds and then he said he was closing out his match account. Shortly after, he just kind of stopped emailing back. I thought we had enough in common that he would at least want to meet. Just seems wierd.

Another guy that seemed nice has also stopped emailing me. I am kind of disappointed about this one. He sort of looks like BM, a pivotal figure in my life, which is a good thing, and I thought that might be a good omen. But, oh well.

A third guy seemed very interested. But also showed typical guy behavior. Sort of hints at going out, then says he would like to meet me but understands if I am unsure of him. Last week we briefly talked about going out for dinner either Tue or Wed, but he doesn't follow up or confirm, so those days go by without plans.

I said feel free to ask me out, so he asked me out for tomorrow night, but I am going out of town. I told him this and haven't heard back from him. I am sure he thinks I am jerking him around, but I am not. I told him I could go out next Friday night. Seems as if he is serious about wanting to meet me, he would go ahead and say he would like to go out next Friday. You can't wait till last minute to make dates, or the nights fill up with other plans.

Listen up men: women like men who put the effort out to ask us out. Please don't waffle and talk about asking us out and sit and stress over it or email about it to death. Just ask us out. Make a plan several days in advance and stick to it. That will impress us more than you know.

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