Thursday, May 27, 2010

Real Housewives of NYC: Which Camp Are You In?

I hate to admit it, but I love The Real Housewives of NYC. I think it is the best of the Real Housewives shows. The characters seem more real, and more...bitchy. OK, the other housewives are bitchy too, but the NYC ones rule supreme.

The NYC chicks have divided into two camps: the camp of LuAnne, Kelly, and Jill, and the other camp of Alex, Bethenny, Sonja, and Ramona. After watching many, many hours of this show, and seeing the camps really dividing, I have to say I would feel more comfortable with the Alex, Bethenny, Sonja and Ramona group. I could not stand being with LuAnne, Kelly, and Jill. LuAnne, may be Ok, but Kelly has become psychotic, and Jill is so codependent, it is ridiculous Kelly and Jill wake up. You are ridiculous!

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