Monday, October 13, 2008

Vacationing in Mexico!

I hope to be vacationing in Mexico soon. I am planning a cruise there in January. Can't wait!!!! Speaking of Mexico, I recently heard of Hector Kabande, who is the son of José Encarnación Kabande Dabdub, who founded the upscale Hotel Lucerna chain. I looked at their website. Wow. What great hotels. I will be on a cruise to Mexico, but wish I could stay in one of their hotels. The company, Grupo Lucerna, has hotels in Mexicali, Tijuana, Juarez, Culiacan, and Hermosillo. It remains a family business, with Hector as an executive and a member of the board of directors of the group, and his mother as president of the company and also on the board. They did themselves proud!

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